Is your laptop the "Bait Car"?
Have you seen this
TV show "Bait Car"? I was
watching TV the other night and this show came on. I've
never seen the show before, but I was fascinated by it. The
police leave a car by the side of the road with the keys
in it, sometimes they leave the door open, and sometimes
they even leave it running! Then they wait. Unfortunately,
they don't usually have to wait very long.
People are walking by the car, some start to get curious
and look inside, and before long one of them will jump
in and take off. The cops aren't far behind, and
they are armed with a kill switch that stops the car
cold and even locks the thief inside. The car is also
rigged up with cameras so you can watch and hear the
conversation when two people jump in the car. You have
to laugh at the stupidity of some of these thieves. I
know, nobody ever accused thieves of being rocket scientists,
but when one guy says to the other guy, "This looks
like a bait car," and they decide to steal it anyway…
I did feel a little sorry for some of these people that
seemed so down on their luck. It was almost like someone
putting an open bottle of alcohol down in front of a
wino and asking him to make sure nobody takes it! Let's
face it, times are still tough, and this kind of "opportunity
theft" is higher than ever. Whenever the economy
goes down, crime goes up. It's just a fact of life.
Now imagine how much easier it is to put a laptop under
your arm than it is to drive a car away and you can begin
to understand why over 500,000 laptops are stolen every
The vast majority of laptop theft in this country isn't
pulled off by master criminals in ski masks that have
cased your joint for 2 weeks. It's committed by
the student employee in your office that walks by the
empty office with the laptop on the desk. It's
committed by the visitor that sees the presentation laptop
sitting on the empty podium, or the projector on the
table in the training room. It's committed by the
regular Joe that walks by 3 other laptops in the coffee
shop that have people nearby or have a lock on them,
then they see your laptop and you've gone to get
a napkin.
You've left your "keys in the ignition" and
this guy sees a spotlight from heaven lighting up your
laptop and the choir singing Hallelujah in the background.
When people are hurting in a down economy, they are more
likely to be tempted.
So what do you do about it?
No, you don't need to go out and buy high-end
security locks and tracking software for all your laptops!
Yes, there are some companies and government offices
that need that level of protection, but for most of us,
we just need to be a little more prudent. For personal
laptops, keeping a closer eye on it, for business laptops,
keeping certain doors closed and keeping laptops out
of public areas makes a huge difference. Buying a few
locks is a cheap way to get a lot of protection.
We've got a great saying in our office that the
main goal of our Economy line of locks is to "keep
honest people honest". Okay, the saying is a bunch
of bull, since if they were really honest in the first
place, they probably wouldn't be tempted by the
bait car. But the truth remains that even the low end
locks will prevent 95% of theft. 95% of the people on
that TV show would never steal that car if the keys weren't
in it.
And for your personal laptop, if you do decide to ask
someone to watch it for you when you go to the bathroom
at your local Starbucks, at least make sure it is someone
else with a laptop. People are far less likely to be
tempted by something they already have…
(Give us a call at (800) 466-7636 and we will be glad
to help you determine your threat level and what security
devices will work best for your situation).